A Global Certification Program for

Dietary Supplement Brands

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83% of consumers* say third-party certifications are ALWAYS important when purchasing health products

*Based off 100+ web-survey respondents on certifications.nutrasource.ca

Showcase Your Brand with NutraStrong™

Are you tired of competing with companies that make false claims and use inaccurate testing methods?

Do you want to stand out in a crowded market and showcase your commitment to quality and corporate values?

We have the solution:

NutraStrongTM - Trustworthy Choices, Verified Excellence

Meeting the needs of brands and consumers alike

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Discover How NutraStrong™ Can

Help Your Business Stand Out 

 Take the first step now  

NutraStrong™: Built on Four Key Pillars

  1. Testing Standards: A range of testing options are available to ensure compliance with industry standards. If testing standards are not met, our in-house experts will work with you to resolve any issues.
  2. Label Compliance: Review and verification of labels to ensure compliance with FDA dietary supplement labeling standards. This takes place annually to confirm whether any label changes have been made.
  3. Manufacturing Quality: Good Manufacturing Quality (GMP) or equivalent certification held on file and verified on program initiation and annually. All data provided is reviewed to confirm it is current and in good standing.
  4. Corporate Values: Brands have the opportunity to showcase and highlight their corporate values and causes they support, including other certification programs and charitable works. 

Certify Your Commitment to EXCELLENCE in 3 Easy Steps

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Step 1:
Sign up for the NutraStrong™ certification program.
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Step 2:
Send your documentation and samples for review/testing and get certified.
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Step 3:
Unleash the Power of Increased Consumer Trust and Watch Your Brand Thrive!

Are you a collagen or prebiotic brand?

Stay Ahead of the Competition with NutraStrong™ Collagen and Prebiotic Verified Programs


NutraStrongTM Collagen Verified

Ensuring Quality Standards for Your Collagen 

The need for a collagen verification program arises from the exploitation of the category by brands seeking to profit from collagen benefits without proper ingredient support. Common issues in the market include unclear identification of collagen type and source, misinformation such as "Vegan Collagen" and a lack of attribution of science.

NutraStrong™ Collagen Verified addresses the specific industry needs in the collagen space with safety and identification testing to clarify the source and efficacy of the ingredient. This program standard creates an industry benchmark, ensuring the highest benefit for consumers and gatekeeping against subpar brands.

NutraStrongTM Prebiotic Verified

Ensuring Quality Standards for Your Prebiotic 

The prebiotic space needs a verification program to address brands seeking to profit from prebiotic benefits without proper support, such as insufficient dosages and incorrect labeling of ingredients. Consumers may encounter products with no demonstrable prebiotic effect called out as prebiotics, and there is poor attribution of the science, which should not be recognized and rewarded in the marketplace.

With NutraStrong™ Prebiotic Verified, we maintain a level of quality standards to address three crucial industry points: verification of input, relevant stability testing based on end-use product shelf life and storage, and ingredient efficacy from either the supplier or internal sources.

Invest in NutraStrong™ for a stronger future.


Transparent Pricing: What's Included in the NutraStrong™ Certification Program

At Certifications by Nutrasource, we believe in transparency in all aspects of our certification process - including pricing. When you choose to be NutraStrong™ certified, here's what's included in your pricing:

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Annual Subscription

Being NutraStrong™ certified not only gives you access to expert support, but also the opportunity to showcase your product on the Certifications by Nutrasource website, helping you build trust with consumers and stand out in the competitive supplement market.

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NutraStrong™ Testing and Review Panel

To suit your needs, we provide several testing options with varying levels of surveillance. If you have a COA available, we will conduct a per-lot review to verify results and ensure consistent compliance with industry standards. Should you require testing, you may submit samples and we will arrange for all testing paramaters to be met and provide a detailed test report.  


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NutraStrong™ Report

Your personalized report will be posted on your brand's dedicated product page on the Certifications by Nutrasource website. It will clearly state the results of the tests and confirm that your product your product is NutraStrong™ certified. You now have the confidence to promote your product's quality and transparency and give consumers the assurance they need to choose your product.

Ready to elevate quality and empower consumers?

Learn How NutraStrong Can Change Your Business